• Can Hair Transplants Hurt You? Joe Buck Loses Voice Due to Hair Plugs | Joe Buck Hair Loss

    Joe Buck is one of America’s top broadcasters and recently admitted that his hair transplant surgery’s caused him to lose his voice and potentially his career. Hair transplants are known to be the procedure of celebrities and tv personalities and is normally a safe medical procedure.

  • Baldness Research Shows Stem Cell Role In Male Pattern Baldness Hair Loss

    New Baldness Research About Stem Cell’s Role In Hair Loss. Male pattern baldness may be a stem cell derived issue that results from stem cells in  the scalp failing to give rise to progenitor cells, which are the cells responsible for growing hair. Researchers write in the Journal of Clinical Investigation that stem cells could be …

  • New Hair Loss Treatments

    New Hair Loss Treatments Brenden Frasiers Hair Loss Mystery Hair loss affects many people and there are some interesting approaches to fighting the common medical condition often referred to as androgenic alopecia. Once age related hair loss begins making its appearance, people fear that with the speed they are losing their hair, they might soon …