• What is Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and How DHT Causes Hair Loss

    Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is an androgen, synthesized primarily in the prostate gland, testes, hair follicles, and adrenal glands by the enzyme 5α-reductase by means of reducing the 4,5 double-bond of the hormone testosterone. Approximately 5% of serum testosterone produced in men undergoes 5α-reduction to form the more potent androgen, dihydrotestosterone. DHT has three times greater affinity …

  • Can Hair Loss Affect Job Applicants?

    Hair loss and job attractiveness. Is there a difference in hiring practices for people that are bald? In the book ” Do Pretty People Earn More?” written by Kate Lorenz from CareerBuilder.com, it’s stated that ordinary people or those considered “homely” earn up to 20% less than their more attractive counterparts. Essentially this is stating …

  • Is Funny Man Daniel Tosh Experiencing Hair Loss?

    Daniel Tosh Hair Loss? Is funny man comedy central comedian Daniel Tosh experiencing hair loss? Answer: Nope Celebrity hair loss seems to be an interest for tabloid magazines and in this celebrity obsessed world some people find solace in outing celebrities experiencing hair loss. Up and coming low B list comedian Daniel Tosh (His words …

  • New Hair Loss Treatments

    New Hair Loss Treatments Brenden Frasiers Hair Loss Mystery Hair loss affects many people and there are some interesting approaches to fighting the common medical condition often referred to as androgenic alopecia. Once age related hair loss begins making its appearance, people fear that with the speed they are losing their hair, they might soon …